Nottingham bands - Send us music

Saturday 26 January 2019
reading time: min, words

Want your music reviewed in LeftLion? Read on...


Is your gig taking place in Nottinghamshire? If it is then read below. If it’s not then we’re not interested. Unless you’re playing in an igloo in the arctic or something else really spectacular. You can email us if you’re doing that.

Want your live event listed on our website and in our magazine?

If so then visit, set up an account and add it. This is a free service. Please be aware we have to edit some of them out of the mag for space reasons. Everything you enter will appear online though, and sometimes on other websites we feed events to as well.

Doing something particularly special? If so then email us on and we will consider it for our regular Pick of the Week article.

Interested in buying advertising with us? See our media pack and make sure you let us know you’re locals for a hefty discount.

Want us to send a reviewer to your gig? Then email our music editors well in advance with details. Please be aware, however, that we get far more requests for reviews than we can actually do.


Bandcamp or Soundcloud - If your release is on either Bandcamp or Soundcloud, easy, just email us the link.

We’d really appreciate it if you could make our lives as easy as possible. So we’d also like the following to accompany your music:

  • An image of the cover, or a band pic (jpegs are perfectly adequate so long as they're bigger than 300 x 300 pixels)
  • The release date, if it's not out yet
  • Any info about the band you wish to pass on
  • A link to your website, or your blog, or your Facebook page
  • Info on any forthcoming gigs in Nottingham

And - most importantly - how our readers can get hold of your music. Online? At gigs? Even - gasp - in a real life shop?

We interview musicians in our magazine. Our music editors usually plan who they want to interview well in advance and approach them. If you’re new on the scene then please try and follow the other avenues previously before you ask us to interview you. However, if you feel you have a particularly compelling story to tell us then let us know at music(at) Again, if you don't get a response straight away please just understand we get quite inundated with requests.

Ta very much,


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LeftLion is Nottingham’s meeting point for information about what’s going on in our city, from the established organisations to the grassroots. We want to keep what we do free to all to access, but increasingly we are relying on revenue from our readers to continue. Can you spare a few quid each month to support us?

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