Interview: Orson

Interview: Michelle Bayton
Sunday 01 October 2006
reading time: min, words

"I heard in Nottingham there was some kind of Sheriff who chased a crazy guy in tights with bow and arrow or something like that. Is that right?"


Orson have quickly become the recognised face of Californian bubble gum pop. Alongside shining recommendations and a glistening debut single, their Bright Idea album has seen them described as the missing link between The Rolling Stones and The Scissor Sisters. Not bad for a band who have been supporting the likes of Robbie Williams and Duran Duran on tour! The men who paid their own way from Hollywood to England to get a record deal are Jason Pebworth (vocals and piano), George Astasio (rhythm guitar), Kevin Roentgen (guitar), Johnny Lonely (bass guitar) and Chris Cano (drums). We hooked up for a chat with bass player Johnny, who let us into the world of rock’s new wave soldiers.

So what’s behind the name Orson?
Most bands find it hard to find a name. Like all of them we kicked around with a couple of possibilities until one sprung to us in a Hollywood café when we were all having lunch. In the cafe they gave great historical names to sandwiches and dishes like the Greta Garbo or the Clark Gable. We all picked up on the Orson Wells sandwich and as we started to think about who he was, we realised that he was someone who always went against the grain and not always to his own benefit. We all felt we could relate to that because we’re not about the jangly pop or the rock’n’roll scene of the Strokes. In fact we’re more like Hall and Oates than the Strokes… we just play what we want to play.

Just out of interest what was in the Orson wells Sandwich?
It was some kind of cheese and bacon with pickles combination. None of us really fancied the actual sandwich though.

How did you all meet and form as a band?
Well… originally Jason and George were together as a band and were looking for a drummer. We were in a band called Co and both Jason and George regularly came to see us and became big fans. When Co eventually disbanded we got together with Jason and George and after a few sessions and gigs Orson was born.

You had to reschedule your June gig at Rock city. What happened?
Ah man… we were crushed! Jason basically broke down for week. We truly have been worked to the bone travelling around loads and sleeping very little. Our days off would be spent doing promo work, so we never really had a break from it. Our management truly work us to the bone and none of us ever realised it would be this hard. It’s definitely not all the glamour and richness you expect it to be. We were all basically burnt out in June, especially Jason. We see our live play as our only release and reward for all this work and so to cancel our Nottingham gig was really gutting. We were all really mortified about cancelling and it took Jason about ten days to feel better again.

Have you been to Nottingham before?
No never. We’re looking forward to discovering it though.

Do you know anything about the city?
Just that there was some kind of Sheriff who chased a crazy guy in tights with bow and arrow or something like that. Is that right…?

Well that’ll do …his name was Robin Hood.
Ahh yeah I know it… a good name for a band maybe?

Maybe. So what’s the inspiration behind Orson’s tunes?
We’re inspired by life… our music is more like a political experience. We’re inspired by each other and each others lives. Orson is about experience and happenings. It’s all reality.

Deep…. isn’t that what all bands say?
Only the good ones... haha. No, seriously there’s no point writing about anything else. We want people to relate to it.

You seem to be quite a spiritual person so do you carry a philosophy for life?
Most definitely. Keep it simple and live one day at a time. It’s short and sweet but also very true.

Is this what motivates you?
Yeah. That and playing live with the band. Personally and collectively we all get motivation from playing live and it’s the only reward we get from all the hard work. We certainly aren’t rewarded by the money… we’re not making any yet!

So everyone who thinks that your life is full of glamour and coin is wrong?
Yep. We’re certainly not living any life of glamour yet, just a life of sleep deprivation and exhaustion! But the feeling of playing our stuff live makes it all worth it!

Is there anything aside from the exhaustion that really irritates you in the music industry
Well I’m a Californian so I’m a real easy going character but if I had to say one thing I don’t like it’s working with liars. I can’t stand people who are so obviously full of shit and make promises they can’t keep. Luckily we haven’t experienced too much of that but it’s still an irritation.

What are you listening to at the moment?
My album of the year so far is We are Scientists’ With Love and Squalor. It’s amazing and every song is brilliant! You know when you listen to record and you fall in love with every song? Well that happened with this and I really love what they do. My favourite band though has to be the Flaming Lips. Those guys are genius!

You’re probably best known for your chart-topping single Bright Idea. So what is Orson’s bright idea?
Our bright idea is to get out there and play our music to as many people as possible! That’s our mission

Have you got anything else you’d like to say to LeftLion readers?
To all LeftLion readers in Nottingham and beyond. Give Orson a chance and you won’t be disappointed!

Orson play at Rock City on Monday 16 October 2006. Their debut album Bright Idea is available in shops now.

Orson website

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