LeftLion Magazine #49

Monday 01 October 2012
reading time: min, words

Featuring Joe Dempsie, Play No Games, Don Masson, Shide Boss, Jon Ronson, MulletProofPoet and more

May Contain Notts
The news diary that wants its Mam to tek it to Maasetaahn

More clicky-flashy palaver

A Canadian In New Basford
The end of an era: Our Rob says ta-ra

Dempsie and Codpiece
The Game Of Thrones and Murder star tells all

One For Sorrow, Two For Joy
A look back at the ups and downs and downs and downs of the ‘Pies last 150 years

Don One
The great Don Masson talks to the Lion

Play No Games
The next generation of Notts electronic beat-makers

Jon Ronson
A natter with our favourite journalist

From Here To Devere
Peter Bowles

Shide Boss
Rainbow Warrior

Here Comes Mod
The impervious MulletProofPoet

Pack Mentality
Nottingham RFC, uncovered

Gonzo Unit
The art collective based in a barbers

Nottingham Underground
Mind the gap

Art Works
Leila Al-Yousuf and Tracey Meek

Think Global. Act Local
Nottingham Independent Creative Community

The return of the best fest in Notts

Show And Tell
Broadway braggarts, bifortnightly

They’ve Been Round The Track A Bit
The Roller Derby teams of Notts

This Play Will Run and Run
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, redux

NottsMusic: the latest releases

Write Lion
Huge Black History Month special

We get ussen snapped up at Rocket, D's Pop-Up Kitchen and the Dakota Bar and Grill

The Arthole
Plus Notts Trumps, LeftLion Abroad and Rocky Horrorscopes

We have a favour to ask

LeftLion is Nottingham’s meeting point for information about what’s going on in our city, from the established organisations to the grassroots. We want to keep what we do free to all to access, but increasingly we are relying on revenue from our readers to continue. Can you spare a few quid each month to support us?

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