LeftLion Magazine #48

Wednesday 01 August 2012
reading time: min, words

Raleigh, The Afterdark Movement, Alan Moore, Sleaford Mods, Forest and County previews, and some big London sports day rammel

May Contain Notts
The news diary that forgot its PE kit again, and has to run around the field  in vest and pants

Pics of Notts

A Canadian In New Basford
Our Rob is - gasp! - massively excited about the Olympics

The Kuwait is Over
Your 12/13 Forest/County preview, and a long-overdue big-up for some of the non-leaguers in Notts

Wish You Were Here, Here, Here, Here and Here
The Gramophones make a right performance out of travelling the length of the UK

Lincoln Dark
Sleaford Mods: Rant and vex

The Afterdark Movement
The reigning Future Sound of Nottingham champions

Tales from behind the bike shed

An Extraordinary Gentleman
Alan Moore: gifted to the core

Olympic Village People
Grace Carter and Tesni Ward

Munich ‘72
A witness to the Israeli massacre speaks for the first time

Team NG
When to see our local heroes on the telly

Usain In The Membrane
World track and field records, Nottsed up

Art Works
Louisa Jane Irvine and James Michie

Forest Thump
The Caribbean Carnival gets a revamp

Nottingham Events Listings
Too much enjoying yoursen -related activity, as always

World Event Young Artists
1,000 artists descend upon town - we talk to the Director, and pick out some of the highlights

The Cans Festival
A new graff celebration

Nothing To See Here
Blackout: gigs and listening parties with the lights off

Natalie Duncan, Felix, WSUOR, Moscow Youth Cult, Tribute to Nordberg, You Slut and more 

Write Lion
Reviews, poetry, Katie Half-Price

Japanese cuisine, alfresco dining in Sherwood, and our Kebab reviewer meets his match

LeftLion Abroad
Plus Rocky Horrorscopes, Notts Trumps and The Arthole

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