LeftLion Magazine #47

Friday 01 June 2012
reading time: min, words

Featuring Underground Notts, Natalie Duncan, Justin Fashanu, Jake Bugg, Hetain Patel and a free Euro 12 wallchart...

May Contain Notts

The news diary that ate Nottingham

More photographic evidence of town-related whatnot

A Canadian In New Basford
Rob bends the knee to the Queen, like a good colonial

Rock City
Caves in Notts: there’s loads of ‘ em, and David Strange-Walker knows where the best ones are

The Notorious Bugg
Jake Bugg: Clifton’s Most Wanted

A Body of Work
Hetain Patel, walking canvas

Talk of the Devil
Natalie Duncan

Justin Fashanu
The full story, told at last

Derrick Buttress
The Broxtowe Boy’s lifelong affair with the Square - and info on his involvement on The Space

Euro 12 Wallchart
Will England go all the way? Don’t be sucky – but fill this out in any case

Art Works
Rosemary MacLennan and Michael Cowell

The return of Splendour

Nottingham Event Listings
It’s Summer. No students. Reclaim your city, Nottingham

Captain Dangerous
The Empire Strikes Back

Wham, Bam, Thank You And Goodnight, Amdram
A comprehensive guide to our small theatre scene

Nusic Box
A massive Future Sound of Nottingham special

With Baby Godzilla, Hot Japanese Girl, Will Jeffery, The Petebox, Spaceships Are Cool, Cantaloupe and loads more

Write Lion
Reviews, poetry, listings and all things wordy

Ethiopian snap, secret kitchensModern British and a very badleh kebab reviewer

Notts Trumps
Plus LeftLion Abroad, The Arthole and Rocky Horrorscopes

We have a favour to ask

LeftLion is Nottingham’s meeting point for information about what’s going on in our city, from the established organisations to the grassroots. We want to keep what we do free to all to access, but increasingly we are relying on revenue from our readers to continue. Can you spare a few quid each month to support us?

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