Under Cover Artist: Jim Brown

Illustrations: Jim Brown
Thursday 11 May 2023
reading time: min, words

Stage fanatic and supremely talented artist, Jim Brown was our only pick for this special issue. He talks us through his creative process…


Tell us a bit about yourself…
I'm an illustrator and designer, a lanky millennial husk mostly working in marketing and design for film in and around Nottingham. My work includes everything from concept art to doormat labels, movie props to short comics. Nowadays I have a nine-to-five design job, but in-between I still draw and work on the occasional short film. 

What was the inspiration behind the cover?
I’ve been on and behind the theatre stage from when I was small. The cover drawing is of the production of Romeo and Juliet that first made me first fall in love with theatre in 2008, surrounded by the gorgeous green of the Nottingham Theatre Royal. In the audience are scattered friends and colleagues who work in theatre land in Nottingham, as well as my sister and me.

How does it compare with some other projects you’ve worked on?
I love producing drawings like this, with weird angles, big shapes, and a complete artistic licence on colour. Having worked on some completely bonkers film sets, it’s a nice opportunity to curl up in my deckchair with my drawing tablet and an audiobook.

What was the biggest challenge you faced in creating this piece?
Deciding what to draw! I’ve performed in and visited so many fantastic theatre spaces, like the Lakeside Theatre, Nottingham Arts Theatre, and Lace Market Theatre (to name a few), so it was tough to choose. In the end, I picked based on that envelope of fizzy green in the Royal!

What have you got planned for the future?
I have a BFI short film with director Sam Dawe coming out soon (check out the poster I designed on my website). I’m also working on an ongoing illustration project called the Cosmic Hedgerow, with drawings and digital art surrounding a still mythical and magical corner of the English countryside. 

Is there anything else you’d like to tell the LeftLion readers?
Keep making, building, painting, and crocheting. The world is an absurd place, but with a little bit of effort from each of us, we can make it completely ridiculous.


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